Sunday, May 20, 2012

1.The Intuitive Childhood: There Is No Such Thing As Normal!

            Unlike many psychics, my intuitive journey did not begin with any profound life changing events, angels coming to visit me in the middle of the night, or life-changing premonitions. Instead, like most of the world population, I've been intuitive for my entire life! 

     To begin,  like so many other intuitive children, I remember my emergence from the womb. Bright, Cold, and the next thing I knew I was walking around as a toddler. 

        As a toddler I saw colors around people’s heads (auras), witnessed light beings in my home, often times I just “knew” things, and even saw in my mind's eye deceased relatives who I’d never met.  I have several stand-out moments as a small child with woo-woo stuff. 

One day I was staring out the bathroom window one evening and the thought and feeling occurred to me, “There are dead people in my backyard.” A few evenings later, sitting down at my good catholic neighbor’s house, I stated, “There are dead people in my backyard.” The neighbor’s were quite disturbed, got up immediately from the table, and called my parents, who came over to get me. (Honestly, I don't blame them I was pretty weird and they probably didn't want it to rub off on their kids).  Later that evening, my father asked, “Did you see any dead people in the backyard?” I replied, “No, daddy, I just know they are there and that their buried in our backyard, that’s all.” I later learned my father saw those who crossed over as well. (Intuition is a gene, just like blue-eyes and blonde-hair!) and I also learned that the community development was built on old farm land. 

   However,  other times  in my childhood were simple feelings and gut reactions that I followed. I would be playing at a friend's house and just have this urgency that I needed to go home, it was an overwhelming feeling, it wasn't homesickness, just an overwhelming feeling that I needed to be home at the exact moment. A few times I tried to ignore this feeling, but the more I ignored it the more it nagged at me, of course intuition is just like a mother as soon as you listen to, its usually right! That being said, I'd haul my hiney back home. 

The spookiest story I have as a youngin' is when our old German pre-WWII piano from the 1920s played itself one night. Some background info, I was weird kid, I was up at night and slept during the day. Looking back I believe my 'insomnia' was due to being so "open" and while other people could let their guard down and be vulnerable in sleep, I could not due to being bombarded with a mixture of dead people and others' energy. Often times I felt watched while I tried to sleep, and  let's face it, it is rather creepy to sleep while someone is standing over you watching you, now add on factors such as being 3-5 years old, in the dark, with a teddy-bear, and ALONE>> scary as hell! 

One night in one of these moments of "not being able to sleep" I walked down the hallway and froze... our old 1920s piano was playing... at 11pm at night. I knew it wasn't my sister because the music was too advanced, it was older piano player with experience. Neither my mother or father were night owls, nor did they ever play piano! I called down to the piano player, "Hello? Who is down there?" No response. Continued playing. I ran downstairs to the living room  and slowly peeked around the corner, the piano still played, I saw the keys being pressed down by themselves, but even more disturbing was the kitchen. I ran into the kitchen and the cabinets were opening and closing frantically by themselves all at once. I sprinted upstairs and woke my dad, I shook him and told him what was happening, to go do something. My father's response was, "Sometimes houses simply move by themselves. Go back to sleep." 

Many people have suggested to me, Well maybe it was an one of those automatic playing pianos. I say Nope. 1920's pre-WWII no such piano would have that capability then. 

Thanks for reading- MRM 

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