Wednesday, November 14, 2012

10. The Benefits of Cleansing- Everything.

 Cleansing is  done to assist in releasing dense energy. Usually, this is dense energy that is no longer beneficial to an individual. Cleansing can be done all levels: physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual. The point of cleansing is to evolve and move an individual FORWARD- on all of these levels, if the individual so desires.  The mind and body and spirit connection is a simple interconnection that we as humans tend to make complex because of stored dense energy.

First, lets address our physical vehicle: the human body. Physical cleansing can be done on the most basic level: Food! The old saying, "You are what you eat," can definitely be applied here. One example of physical cleansing is food-based cleanse diets.
 Prior to participating in a food-based cleansing regimen the individual probably ate a lot of  "dense energy" foods: sugars, starches, processed meats heavy with antibodies and chemicals, complex carbohydrates, and not enough vegetables.

 In the food-based cleanse diet the individual is generally suggested to eliminate or modify the intake of "complex" and dense energy food items such as sugar. In turn, they are taking their bodies back to the basics: meats, vegetables, nuts, more water, and moderated carbohydrate intake.

 Under proper nutritional guidance, many people I've met who have participated in food-based cleansing diets are usually very satisfied with the results: weight loss, less fatigue, more energy, chronic and/or acute conditions lessening or resolving themselves, better libido, etc.
More importantly, many report a higher self-esteem and self-confidence. The saying, "Look good, feel good," could most certainly be applied.

Although, physical changes in appearance can morph an individual's outlook on life, it is also important to address the mental-emotional aspect of ourselves. Many people wonder how they can cleanse on a mental-emotional level. Clearly, we cannot scrub our memory banks clean (although that would be much easier). We acquire much dense energy in the mental-emotional area due to  bad or negative experiences in our lifetime, whether they occurred to ourselves or another.
 This stored dense energy usually plays out in  repetitive patterns in our lives, swinging back and forth between one extreme and another, and/ or we repress this dense energy so deeply it surfaces in the physical field causing illness, or in the spiritual field causing lack of higher purpose and direction.  The benefit of releasing the dense energy will help us come back to the center and regain balance. 

Myself and other practitioners have observed in practice, have been told by our respective spirit guides, and gone through the experience ourselves; that the most most effective method thus far is Forgiving. If we can forgive another person or situation, the mental-emotional residue of dense energy can be released, thus propelling a person forward to what they truly desire- better health, love, abundance, truly an endless amount of possibilities.

* Note: Forgiveness does not mean that you have to be friends with the 'offending' person, or even speak to them. To paraphrase a mentor of mine, "Jesus says to turn the other cheek, however after awhile your cheek begins to get rather sore, make it easy on yourself,  you can forgive and love that person... from a distance."

So how can you forgive a person without having to make direct contact?

Forgiveness Exercise/ Meditation 
Please read completely through!
-Turn off your phone, gadgets, make sure any outside distractions are taken care of: children, significant other, pets etc. 
-Sit down ( or else you'll fall asleep!) in a chair with feet flat on the floor.
-Take three deep breaths.
-Use your vivid imagination to clearly visualize this person in front of you.
-Can you see or feel if there are any 'cords' attaching you to each other?
(Tip: If you cannot see or feel the cords, then if you could see or feel them where would these cords be?)
- Taking an object of your choice: scissors, an ax, chain-saw, pliers, Archangel Michael's sword of Truth, etc CUT these cords.Cut these cords as fast or as slow as you would like. If it is your first time cutting cords, take your time.
 *Note: By cutting these cords, you are not "cutting" person out of your life,nor are you physically harming them, you simply are un-attaching their energy from you, so you can find forgiveness, or have a clearer perspective in a emotionally charged situation to make a better decision for YOU.
- Check and make sure all cords are removed, or any other foreign objects, beliefs, or negative words aimed your way this person may have placed onto you.
- Now, hand the cords and whatever else back to that person.
If you are feeling especially forgiving you can put everything into a box, gift wrap it really pretty, and gently hand it back to them.
-What is their reaction?
(Tip: If they attempt to attach more cords, keep cutting!)
- Say whatever you need to say to this person either to yourself or out loud These can be words of anger, words of love, and/or forgiveness.
- Finally, make a shield around you from this person. It can be any kind of shield: a wall, a plexiglass container over you, or even a transparent shield*

The Transparent Shield: The transparent shield is one I do for myself and others.
 It is a truly a shield of ultimate forgiveness, it is not only protective but encouraging the other person to do their OWN healing. Unlike other shields, it is transparent because my intention is not to "block" the person out of my life completely, yet instead to assist them in healing their own wounds.
I visualize this shield as literally a wall of energy, usually it is gold. My side of the wall protects me. The other side of the wall is healing for the other person. So when a person comes up to the shield of energy and touches it they will turn away to do their own healing on their own time. 
*Note: Some people in your life may try to break this wall down primarily because 1. They want to reattach and 2. They have no desire to do their own healing. I have had experiences where one individual tried to kick my shield down. He kicked and screamed and cried. I simply held my shield in place with calm. After time, he grew tired and turned away, hopefully to do his own healing on his own time.
This is a very powerful exercise. It can be done as many times as needed. Also, it can be done to anyone. That being said when breaking an energetic connection, the person you are cutting cords from WILL feel the shift of energy. ***Do not be surprised if they attempt to make contact with you shortly after***

By doing the above exercise many people find that they are less and less angry, worried, or upset. They  have a more balanced perspective on a particular situation, and are better able to approach an emotionally charged situation or person with a calm outlook.
 As a result, we have more time to focus on what we truly desire and take the proper proactive steps to getting what we truly desire and making more room from what DOES benefit us.


 The physical cleansing and mental-emotional cleansing takes us up into the point of  our own divine Spirit within each of us.  By physically cleansing whether it be with food, quitting smoking, losing weight, or simply becoming more aware of what we put in the body, we have honored our physical vehicle. The mental-emotional cleansing allows us to release many of the life-events, people, and decisions of others we have no control over, allowing us to have more time to focus on ourselves and our desires, thus allowing us to fully move into Spirit.

Spirit, plainly put, is our essence. It's what were are here on earth for. When we lack spirit we lack direction and purpose.  To illustrate, we may see all the doors closing and not the doors that are already open for us. When we access spirit regularly and operate more from Spirit and less from Ego and worry, we have a greater amount of faith, hope, and better ability to love and forgive ourselves and other, we begin to see and walk through the open doors.  Our Spirit is already "clean" so to speak. It has no flaws, prejudices, or ulterior motives- it's pure Joy and Love.

So how can an individual better access  the Spirit within them?

The answer is simple Meditate. Now, when I say meditate many people have this misconception that they must sit still for hours and hours on end, "stilling there mind", not worrying, sitting in an uncomfortable position, and this just sounds incredibly hard, or impossible. Meditation is time for you to re-center and re-ground, so do it the way you please, it simply takes practice. Even if you can only do it in your car for five minutes prior to work or while sitting on the metro, some is better than none. When in meditation we can access our higher-self and spirit guides to give us direction and purpose to our lives, or simply questions such as, "What do I need to do more of?" The answers may come as explicit words, images, or even just gut-feelings to "go here" and "do this" and "talk to this person". The more and more you trust what you receive from Spirit, the more things will coincidentally "fall into place" for you in your life.

Some ideas to get you jump-started in meditation:
1. Enjoy the Sun
 For 15 minutes or so, sit facing the sun, either outside or by a window. Just breathe and feel the sun's energy moving through you. Just simply throw your cares and worries to the sun. More importantly, the sun is an energetic cleanser!
2. Purchase a meditation CD. 
There are many kinds of meditation CDs.
If you are auditory then one with music might be more to your liking.
If you are a feeler, then a meditation CD with breathing exercises would probably benefit you more.
If you are visual a guided visual imagery CD or a piece art or religious figure may help you focus more.
3. Find an author who writes about accessing Spirit
- Pick one who resonates with you.Generally these authors can be found in the "New Age" or religious section of the bookstore.

  As an individual begins to work on these interconnected aspects of themselves, the other aspects soon desire to be in balance as well. So, these aspects can be worked on in any order and as many as you want at any given time. Eventually, they will all desire to be in balance and harmony! 

Below are 2 Suggestions for "Quickie Cleansing"
These cleansing out dense energy in all 3 aspects. 
1. A Hot Bath with LOTS of Epsom Salt.

2.  Sage with Intention
-Stick or Spray.
Be warned it smells like marijuana when burned, so if you live in a shared living arrangements I recommend the spray.
Sage with intent to cleanse dense energy out! Anything can bring dense energy in: arguments with a roommate, a toxic or negative person, anything that shifts the balance of peace and harmony in your life. Once you sage, you will notice the difference in how you and the room/house feel- lighter!
*Highly suggest purchasing a How-To book on Saging, which can be found at most book stores.
(If you just wave the stick around with no intention it won't help!)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

9. Mediums As Everyday Healers

I've touched upon briefly in other blog post about channelers and mediums. As many of you know, my goal is to water down the woo-woo and bring out the healing elements present in psychic work.  This post is dedicated to mediums and channelers- YOU ARE AWESOME! (For time sake I will just being using the term medium throughout this posting).

To be frank a Medium is an individual  whom communicates with deceased people and/or beings on other dimensional planes. Coming from a family of mediums, both self-acknowledged and not, this can cause a few raised eyebrows in our society!

 I wish to focus on the positive healing aspects of medium work by sharing a personal  experience. I have two stories I wish to share. Normally, I would not write an article this intimate on  Spirit, however the young man gave me his permission and I was "pushed" to write it as soon as I got up this morning. I have left his name out for privacy purposes and made some details vague for that reason.

The first experience I had was of a young man  who went missing. I rarely read the news, but sure enough after a week I was driving down the highway when the local radio began asking the public for any information of this young man's whereabouts. The next day, I was driving again, and the same broadcast was sent out. I felt so bad for his family, they must be worried sick. I was still hopeful for this young man. So I "tuned in". Instantly I had goosebumps all up and down my arms.  I' "saw" (in my mind's eye)The young man was sitting in the backseat of my car, staring out the window. He appeared very ashamed, he wouldn't even make eye contact.
Our dialogue was as follows:
M: Why are you so sad? (The young man came in spirit, so he had crossed)
B: I'm ashamed, my parents will be so ashamed.
M:  No, no they won't. You're family is worried  sick about you. Where are you?
B: In a place they have searched before.
M: Are you hiding your body with spirit?
B: Yes, I'm so ashamed they can't ever know.
M: Please let them find you, they love you, they need to know for their own healing.
B: Okay. (affirming his agreement to be found)
M: I'm going to cross you now. See that light over there, do you see anyone you know?
B: Yes, my relatives ( I want to say grandmother)
M: Okay, follow that light. Go be happy there.

The next day the police found his body in a place they had previously searched.

The second experience I had was of another young man who had been badly injured in a car accident.  He was unconscious, and not expected to live or make it through the night. I have never met this young man in my life. I had only heard of the  accomplishments of this young man  through my father, who worked briefly for a time with one of his relatives. The young man's critical situation resonated with me. I thought maybe it was because were both former college athletes, close in age, and just starting to get our careers underway, but there was to be more than that.

A few days later, I was getting ready for bed in front of my dresser,  as I sent silent prayer for this young man, I suddenly had a flash of a vision in my mind's eye: A young man standing between two doors. One door representing the spirit world and the other the earth plane. He looked at me as if to say, which one do I choose? Without thinking, I explained to him that I could not choose for him, he would have to use his own free will to choose. I relayed the pros and cons of each door. The spirit world would be wonderful, however his immediate family would not be there, and from what my father had shared it sounded like he was doing some pretty cool stuff on the earth plane.  The earth plane had his family and his life before him, although if he chose to stay, he may have a long road to recovery. After a  few moments, he pushed through the door for the earth plane.

The next day my father was informed that the young man had regained consciousness, and eerily enough had regained consciousness around 11 pm, about the same time he chose his door.  He is expected to live with a long road to recovery.

Where was the healing in each of these situations?
There was healing for the previously missing young man's family. If his remains had never been found his family would never know and been left to question, at least now they can grieve and mourn fully, and heal along the way. Probably, if the young man had not revealed his whereabouts he might have hung around on the earth plane and not grown and evolved on a soul level. This is important because soul-growth is vital a soul's current lifetime and the next.

As for the formerly unconscious young man, this was my first experience working with a soul who was "in-between" so to speak. I can only guess as to why  this experience occurred, and can only suspect that he stayed because he desired to finish his soul-work.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Can everyone be a medium?
Yes. I believe everyone is able.

Can all mediums see deceased people?
Generally speaking, Yes.
There are different mediums- Some mediums can see spirit, just as they could an everyday person. Others, like myself, only see them in my mind's eye.

Is Medium work entertainment?
UH NO. Medium sessions and parties can be TONS of fun and plenty of good laughs and humor from Spirit. However, the main line of our work is HEALING, it is not just for shits and giggles.

How do I train to be a medium?
Most persons who are called down that path are already mediums. It is highly suggested if one is interested in tapping into mediumship ability that they find a teacher or mentor, or even better pray for one!

Can my deceased relatives come visit me if I ask them to?
Yes, even if you are not a Medium. You are more than free to ask your relatives to come visit you or help you in your everyday life. Most times our "dead people" have no qualms about helping us out, mine help me keep the house clean!

So, the work of a medium is done on both ends. Our job is not to just "talk to deceased" people.
Our work is to help  BOTH those here on the earth plane and in spirit, to heal and evolve on the soul level.

                      Medium work is done with  pure unconditional love and the intent to heal. 

Happy All Souls Day!

Note** If you are interested in a Mediumship Session with Meredith
please contact her at
 Rate is $1.50/minute.