Thursday, May 8, 2014

Abundance: Let It Flow!

A person recently asked me a very direct question as to every holistic business owner’s greatest emotional trial but also emotional growth to running a business, “How do you not feel bad when you have no business?”
Now, currently I’ve been sick most of this week. I loathe sitting still. I’m a very active person I’m used to running around here and there, and constantly doing things for everyone else. So when I woke up this morning. I thought What Now? All the things I’d normally I would do I can’t because I’m sick. Then it hit me. To address the above question,  the little (not so little nudge) to sit down a type away hit again!
The question made me smile and Think and Remember. It also had me look back on how much my own beliefs have grown and matured just over the course of three years of beginning a spiritual healing practice. 

Old Beliefs Vs. New Beliefs 

Yes, in the beginning, there was in the technical sense ‘no business’ which meant ‘no income’ which translated into very little mula coming in and A LOT of mula going out! This mind-set created fear of the future, angst of when business would be coming in, self-doubt of is this really what I’m supposed to be doing? And the list of fear, negativity, worry, angst, went on and on and on. I even had others tell me, “I would never make enough to live.” And like most people in our society I began to ‘buy’ into this mind-set.  I would struggle daily with what our society says about money and constant “lack mind-set” to my own growing beliefs of abundance and joy and all comes about in Divine Timing, and heck if I really want something I CAN manifest it. It was a continuous daily struggle having to constantly buck the belief system that had been saddled onto me from birth. So I changed my mind-set. I began to say YES to abundance, YES there is business (even if there wasn’t) and if you ever saw a person shouting in their car driving down the highway“ I love money!”- that was probably me!
I’ve got news for you friends. I’m here. I’m alive. The amount of money I get on my tax-return (which is usually ZERO) doesn’t  stop my ability to breath, to wish, to hope, to pray, and sustain faith in what I ultimately believe is my path.
To answer the question simply, I don’t feel bad when I have “no business”.
 I feel elated, I feel I can rest, I feel I can refocus (and even have time to sit down and write this). I get a day off or even a few days off  to reorganize my house, clean, and take a walk in the park. All things that the universe knows that I need to do in order to re-charge and re-boot, simply stop and smell the roses. It’s all part of the natural ebb and flow. Some people are wondering but HOW can you feel this way?
How? I relinquished the need to control the outcome! I can pour thousands of dollars into advertising and google adwords but at the end of the day clients come when they are READY. TRUST in Divine Timing. When it’s time, it’s time.
If my clients come when they are not ready and at my own insistence and my own driving it’s similar to that of forcefully opening a flower that is still blooming. When clients are ready they come.
I know and trust that every client who walks through my door and sits in the chair across from me i that we share some connection in some way. Even if they cancel and reschedule three-four times to finally sit in the chair and as irritating and puzzling as that can be, that too is part of the Divine Timing process. 

Divine Timing- Letting -person, situation, object, unfold and deliver itself to you in its OWN time and OWN way.  Just letting it flow 

I don’t feel bad because in sum, I let it flow. 

Tips from Me to You (Tried and True!)
-          Pray over your bills. Ask your Angels to help you pay them off or intercede in the process of paying them. Do it as many times as you need to in order to feel that you can walk away and enjoy the rest of your day trusting that it will work itself out. I understand it’s not always easy to do this, just practice! You’ll see the outcome soon enough!

-          Calling in the Angels for Customer Service- Make a rather annoying and painstaking task FUN. Ask your angels silently or out loud to put you in touch with the person who can most help you with whatever you’re calling about. Also ask your Angels to assist you in speaking your truth in the best way to help get your point across!

-          Sage your wallet, your check book, your goods- clear all the negativity away from your finances. Re-sage them with love and joy!

-          Bless your payment or give payment with Good intention. Every time you pay a bill, swipe your credit card, or even give payment to someone else or receive payment from someone else, say a silent prayer of THANKS, even if it’s just for 2.5 seconds.

I require my clients to bless their payment, many of them stare at me puzzled, I would rather receive a payment that is being given with love and appreciate than resentment and anger. In the end, it’s all energetic exchange and I certainly would rather have love floating around in my bank account that the other stuff! 

 Let it flow, 

Meredith McDonough MHT, RMT,

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