But what about the nitty-gritty stuff? .The deep-down romance and the soul-baring emotional talks. The ups and downs of romantic love. The love that can one moment make us say, do, and feel things that we've never felt or done before, and the next moment drive us up the wall with frustration, resentment, and anger.
Isn't it great? (smile).
But often times when I get calls to do an intuitive readings. Some of the top questions I'm asked are in regard to romantic relationships:
Is the man or woman I'm currently seeing a good match for me?
Is my soul mate out there?
Where is Mr./Mrs. Right (And why haven't they shown up yet?)
When is my significant other going to be ready to "take the next step?"
How come I keep attracting losers and/or people who are emotionally unavailable?
Is he or she going to ever change their mind on X issue or habit?
Will I ever find love?
How I come feel strongly drawn to this individual? Like a magnetic attraction?
Honestly, I can't even pretend to be a dating "expert." Like many out there, I've read my fair share of books on dating. The books tell you what to do, what not to do, when to call, when not to call, to text or not to text, who text who first, how many dates to go on per week, red flags, what it means when he says this or that, and now there is online dating which is a whole world unto itself ....it all gets very confusing and perplexing.
Also, I've had my fair share of dates and relationships, and probably plenty more to come. Some good ones, where I hit it off with the person right away, and others where I generally wanted to turn and run away as fast as I could. And although being an intuitive makes dating slightly more difficult, it comes in handy in saving my time and my date's time, when I just 'know' and feel when something just is or isn't their romantically with an individual, even just after one date. As my teacher and friend once said, " If you ever want to clear a room of men, just tell them your psychic. smile ladies.
As many of my friends who have found their romantic love have said, "When you know, you know." To illustrate, one of my close friends knew she was going to marry her husband...when they met at the ripe age of 4! She said, "I just knew he was my future husband then and there at the age of 4, I can't really explain how I knew, I just knew." And despite the other directions they took in life, the universe GPS'ed them back together at an appropriate marrying age, and they now have two wonderful children together. (Often times these couples have had past-lives together as husband and wife before in other life times, or some other close relationship like siblings).
Other times I have had experiences where I've felt a strong magnetic attraction to someone and things started off extremely well, only to have the relationship end pretty roughly. People think well your psychic shouldn't you know this would end badly? Trust me people, I wonder that too!
These instant magnetic attractions are usually karmic relationships. Karmic relationships serve a significant purpose and role on a soul and human level. We usually have had past-lives with these individuals with similar themes before. Also many abusive relationships tend to be past-life based. And even if its just days, weeks, or years, the relationship time with this person is to teach certain lessons to you and you to them. These lessons take place on a soul level and on the everyday now human level. Often times as these lessons or roles are played out in this lifetime, triggers occur for an individual to choose to keep going in the pattern or choose self-growth, self-realization, and as this begins to occur the relationship usually begins to unravel, usually for the better.
Or in some circumstances, especially in cases of nasty divorces, if one partner refuses to drop his/her end of the rope either financially or emotionally,and keeps trying to pull the other person back, sometimes the lesson is for the pulled individual to stand-up for oneself and set a boundary to not be pulled back into the relationship. Again, these are usually heavy past-life relationships that are attempting to resolve and rebalance again in this lifetime.
Often times, we'll keep attracting the same kind of people or themes over and over and over until the lessons are learned.
How do we know the lesson has been learned? Because its stop repeating, or swinging back and forth between extremes, and Balance is attained.
Furthermore, when I'm giving a reading and Spirit is speaking through me to answer a clients romantic love questions, it suddenly become clear. All the angst, self-doubt, and gray area that people are experiencing in regards to their love lives is lifted. Sometimes what comes through is satisfying for the client, usually because Spirit is telling them something they are happy to hear such as: Their partner respects and loves them, and is deeply loyal.
And other times the information that Spirit brings through is more sobering. Information that may take the client some time to process and accept. Sometimes its that their partner is probably not going to change, and they are who they are, which leads us into Free Will.
The key to any reading but particularly relationship readings and relationships overall is FREE WILL. For example, a girl or guy calls for a reading. We do the reading and some sobering information in regards to their significant other comes through, I deliver the information, and they ask me, "So...Should I break up with my boyfriend or girlfriend?" In response, I ask, "What do you want?" "Do you think you should?" The initiative must go in the client's decision making court no matter what the circumstances. And truly at the end of the day, whatever a client decides to do with the information they receive from Spirit is completely up to them.
Again, I'm not an expert, but I feel and know intuitively that navigating the high-seas of dating/romance are much easier when you:
- Follow your heart, your gut, and your OWN mind of what you want, need, and desire in your life.
And know that all of these work together all at once on the intuitive level.
-Ask your Angels and the Universe/God to assist in your love life.
It can't hurt right? We're allowed to have little pep talks with God and say,"Hey God, I hope all is well, by the way could you stop sending me x,y,z, flaw of persons I've dated, because it's really getting old. The next guy you send, send that One, and make sure he is awesome in every way."
- Trust that you'll be answered (maybe just not on your timetable, but that can be requested too,can't hurt right).
-No amount of dating books, amount of dates, or friend's advice -replaces your own innate intuition of the way you feel (or don't feel) about someone.
- Sometimes your heart may lead you into something for learning and growth, which may later leave it feeling broken, disappointed, grieving, and angry...at least for a Time.
In Time- you heal, you grow, you make questionable choices, take risks, face fears, feel alone, buy a fish, drink too much wine, take up knitting, begin scheming for world domination..
... and later meet or re-meet someone where you know,when you know.
... (And you'll have acquired a fish, have drunken some really good wine, maybe finished the knitting, and met someone to help you take over the world).
are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find
someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them
and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr. Seuss - See more
are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find
someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them
and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr. Seuss - See more
"We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them, and fall into a mutually satisfying weirdness and call it love, true love." - Dr. Seuss.
are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find
someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them
and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - See more at:
are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find
someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them
and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr. Seuss - See more
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