Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ego and Spirit: Striking The Balance

I'm a firm believer that every human being on this planet has the ability to access their inner-knowing, or intuition. Intuitives a vast variety of people: working mothers, single parents, librarians, police officers, the tellers at the bank, small business owners, marathon runners, teachers, and lawmakers- basically everyone has this inborn ability! Intuitives are everyone!

Being a rather 'in-tune' intuitive can sometimes feel like walking a tight  a rope between two worlds: Ego and Spirit. And it isn't always easy to maintain ones balance between the two!

Ego is what some would call the "normie" world. We need because it keeps us grounded and pushes us to achieve max potential. Ego is essentially our self-esteem.

Spirit is what leads us to trust that, "Everything will be okay"and a, "Build it and they will come mentality." Spirit helps us establish a trust that the higher powers will take care of everything, no matter how big or small. Spirit is geared by Hope, Faith, Love, and Peace. 

  However, people can walk too heavily in either world.
For example, walking too heavily in the Ego world can lead to a plaguing negativity mind set. The mind set of "There is never enough ", "I hate my job but I do it because it pays the bills and keeps food on the table." Or "I can't do what I really love because my parents said that's not a real career." They tend to get caught up in fear, obsessive worrying, and competition. This isn't to say that paying the bills, feeding a family, and being anxious about the next career move isn't a priority, but it is not okay when it consumes one's life, and pulls us away from enjoying life! And many people who tend to live in this lifestyle for too long eventually feel, become burned out, or dis-ease set's in on at the physical level for no apparent reason.

 The same goes for Spirit. Imbalance in Spirit can cause individuals to be ungrounded, airy-fairy, too "out there", and eventually these individuals can develop a lack in  an inability to relate to people on a realistic and interpersonal level, and become isolated. 

 The Balance between the two is essential for our soul growth, general happiness, and even our health! I will be honest even from my own life experience, maintaining the balance isn't' always easy, which why I equated it to walking a tight-rope!

For example, I used to enjoy Black Friday and After Christmas Day shopping. I was one of the proud few who was awake at 4AM ready to hit the bargain sales in at the mall. As a began walking around the mall with the hundreds of other shoppers, I began to feel sweaty, closed-in, nervous, anxious, and in just generally 'on-edge'. After walking around like this for about an hour I finally stopped and centered myself. I asked myself is this me or other people? The reply: other people, definitley! And haul ass out of there!"  I turned and looked at my date and said, "I have to get out of here!" As soon as we left the parking lot, I could feel the energy of the other people melt away. It was from this experience I learned to not forget to acknowledge my sensitive/spirit side of myself and better protect myself psychically from other people's energy.

Another example is balancing Spirit. I'm a big believer in manifesting one's desires. One day as I was driving down the road and I began to get really worried about money. I could feel my body tense, my breathe shorten, and generally just feel my vibration lower. Up until this point, I had been doing lots of manifestation meditation work, so I was surprised when this wave of worry hit me. After a few moments of negative thinking, I though to myself wait a second, I can't sit here and say woe is me, I have to do take responsibility for this! Out loud I said to myself, "Okay, wait, I acknowledge that I can manifest, but I also acknowledge my need to be more assertive in my actions in my quest for financial security." So, as much as I was in a state of allowance and abundance, I also had to get grounded in the reality of seeking out opportunities.

Recently, I attended a workshop with a good friend on the Enneagram. The Enneagram is typically used as a personality profile by employers and can be equated to the Myers-Briggs test. However, what makes the workings of the Enneagram unique is that it is able to delve deeper below the personality and into the essence of a person.  The Enneagram can assist an individual discover what qualities in their Ego disconnect them from being better connected to Spirit, and even better can give insight in how to bring it back into Balance!
After my own experience I think the benefits of the Ennegram are worthwhile.
It also has wonderful benefits for any kind of relationship dynamic.

 I wanted to write about this topic long ago, however my guides urged me not to, and very clearly stated, "You have to live your life!" And as usual, they were right! As much I wanted to share every single psychic experience that occurs from time to time, my guides made it clear that living life is important! Yes, meditation, forgiveness exercises, communicating with animals are all fine and dandy, but hey, returning my library books on time, hitting the gym, and washing my socks is just as important too!

"For man may separate himself from God-the Spirit- but the spirit does not separate from man."
- Edgar Caycle

For those who are interested in learning more about the Enneagram I highly recommend Chris Wright.

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