"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me."
Most of us have heard this children's rhyme at least some point in childhood. And well if you haven't...now you have. (smile) The power of the word is incredibly strong. Stronger, I feel than most people realize. The words we speak and receive have a powerful effect on us, so much so that they can build us up, and like for many of us, have brought us down. Words also send a powerful message to the universe from us- the ultimate determinates of our destiny- broadcasting to the public radio of the universe what we WANT. In turn the universe brings us what we speak. Also, what we speak once started as a thought, and thoughts are things, and things travel! What we speak travels out to the universe! Now, speaking what we want can be hard at times because it truly requires us to be honest with ourselves. Sometimes, that means we have to sift through a lot of the other crap people told us we should, could, or could not have/do/be. And of course, we've all had moments where we've said one thing and done another (ladies you know exactly what I'm talking about)
Conjointly the law of attraction constantly mentions Like Attracts Like, or many of you may be more familiar with the saying "birds of a feather flock together."
For example, up until now, more often than not I really "didn't know" what I wanted in relationships. What did I end up with? Guys who didn't know what they wanted either! Then I'd get all heart-broken and angry that this guy, "Didn't know what he wanted". Hey guess what?! Like Attracts Like!
I finally had to sit down, be honest with myself on what I WANT! For starters, I want someone who is ultimately compatible with me and who wants the same things as me! Marriage, kids, and sure enough the guys who didn't know what they wanted began to disappear very quickly out of the picture! Bye!
My mentor and teacher, Linda Schiller-Hanna, suggested that her students spin challenges in their lives into this mantra instead: "Up until now, I struggled with x (whatever issue is at hand). Or simply speak of the issue in the past-tense, or as improved!
When I first started my healing practice, I'll be honest I was not making money. When I first began, I didn't really think of the "cost" factor, just that I love to spread my joy in healing. And in the first year of my business often times I was actually busting my tail selling bridal dresses Thursday to Sunday, and interning the other days of the week, and seeing clients on the side. For awhile I was putting in about 60-70 hours a week. (Although selling bridal dresses sounds fun, each of them apiece is about 30-40lbs of material, and I was lifting about 4-6 at a time).
One day I woke up and I realized. This sucks! I don't want to work 60-70 hours a week! I want to be dedicated in my work.
So I sat down and had a Scarlett O'Hara moment with the universe. In a gist it went something like this, "Look here universe, I'm here to do what you want me to do, every experience in my life has led me up to this point, I'm here to do what you need me to do, on certain conditions- I will have shelter, I will not starve, and I will make more than enough to take care of myself and be able to enjoy my the abundance in healing."
The feeling of reply was: "Okay, we have received your wants, however you need to uphold YOUR end. Leave the bridal store, leave the internship, we will provide. JUMP both feet forward into what you love."
It took a lot of faith and courage, and convincing my Asian mom that I was not going to be working on Capitol Hill, or any federal government agency for that matter, nor would I be going to law school or grad school. I figure she's okay with it now, since I'm still here alive, typing this blog away.
So, I finished out my internship and no longer pursued a job there. I gave my notice to the bridal store and left a few weeks later.
I'd be lying if I said the results were immediate, that all of sudden I had an influx of hundreds upon hundreds of clients, and I've never worked a seasonal job since. But I upheld my end of the bargain, and now I receive all those that are ready to heal. My client flow comes in ebbs and flows, and I actually like it this way (the universe knows me well), and for now I occasionally work seasonal jobs (but only if they have a specific start and end date).
I write this because I see, feel, and know so many out there who have the talent to succeed at what they do: whether it be as a dancer, a baker, a teacher, writer, a healer, entrepreneur, inventor or pilot etc. I hear them speak with passion about their ideas and their true passions, yet they choose to stay (for now) in a place that it is not in alignment with their passion! Please know, you will be taken care of following what you love! Take the leap! It won't always be easy and sometimes money still gets iffy, but speak your words of what you WANT to the universe, and you will be provided for!
Be honest with what you WANT and speak it to the universe.
(Trust me, It's listening!)
As always Speak Your Truth as the Truth will set you free.